Urgent: Key worker places and consent for Covid-19 testing of students

Key worker family school places
We have written to all our families today to find out which key worker parents will need places at Heron hall from 5 January. You must pre-apply for a place by filling in a survey form here.

Covid-19 testing consent needed
You will probably have also seen the recent government statement about testing for Covid-19 in schools to minimise cases and restrict the transmission of the virus.  

We need to ask for your consent to undertake testing of your child. No students will be tested without parental consent.  Although it is not compulsory we would however encourage you to make use of this opportunity to have testing in the school. We want Heron Hall to be as safe as possible for everyone so our students can continue with their education. You can withdraw consent at any time.

Please let us know whether you are providing your consent by filling in a form here.