This year our Open Evening will take place on Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 5.30pm -7.30pm.

GCSE Results 2021

Huge congratulations to all our students for such great GCSE results after such an extremely difficult year.

We are proud of them all. Many have done outstandingly well.

Record numbers of our students have got results good enough to get them into top 6th form colleges such as the London Academy of Excellence, rated by the Sunday Times as the top 6th Form college of the year, and Woodhouse, the very popular and oversubscribed college.

Headteacher, Arthur Bazey, said: "In the most difficult of circumstances our young people have worked tremendously hard to get the grades they need. Our GCSE results are excellent again this year. We wish all our Year 11s the very best for the future."

The school continues to deliver great results, making year on year progress in key subjects like English, Maths and the Sciences.

Our great results in detail

Heron Hall celebrated its fourth set of successful GCSE results this summer. Year on year improvement has remained very good with our students achieving an overall  progress 8 score of +1.3 (for 2021).

The Progress 8 benchmark is an accountability measure introduced in 2016 and used by the government to measure the effectiveness of secondary schools in England.

It bands students into groups based on their scores in English and Mathematics during the Key Stage 2 SATs. In GCSE results, six EBacc subjects are chosen and each grade is converted to points on a scale published by the government for that cohort. English and Mathematics are worth double points and all points are added together. This is the Attainment 8 score.

Students in Maths and English made outstanding progress with +1.3 progress in Maths and +1.1 progress in English.

Students also made above expected progress in subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science, History, Geography, Art, Drama and several other subjects.

53% of students achieved a grade 5+ in Maths and English and 70% of students achieved a good pass in both English and Maths.

In summary

• Attainment 8 = 5.3

• English Grade 5+ = 66%

• Maths at Grade 5+ = 62%

• Two Sciences at Grade 5+ = 70%

• 5+ GCSE’s at Grade 5+ including English and Maths = 53%

Celebrating some of our top performers - The Magnificent 7

Amilah Alam

Scored TWO Grade 9s in English Literature & Maths, no less than SIX Grade 8s in subjects including English Language, Biology & History, and THREE Grade 7s, including Physics.

Amira Haniffa-Varga

Picked up THREE Grade 9s in English Literature, English Language & Art, TWO Grade 8s in Science and Spanish, and finished with FOUR Grade 7s and a Grade 6.

Mohammed Miah

Achieved THREE Grade 9s in Computer Science, Religious Education & Maths, an amazing EIGHT Grade 8s in subjects including English Language, English Literature, Business Studies & Geography, and a Grade 7.

Antonio Pachev

Scooped THREE Grade 9s in Maths, Spanish & Physics, FIVE Grade 8s including Resistant Materials & Computer Science, THREE Grade 7s and a Grade 5.

Amar Rathour

Achieved TWO Grade 8s in Computer Science and PE, and a fantastic NINE Grade 7s in subjects including French, Chemistry & Biology.

Amarah Roojee 

Scored THREE Grade 9s in Resistant Materials, English Language & English Literature, FIVE Grade 8s including Citizenship & French, plus THREE Grade 7s and a Grade 6.

Eda Recber

Received FIVE Grade 9s in Sociology, Physics, History, English Literature & English Language, FOUR Grade 8s including Biology & Chemistry, and a Grade 7 & 4.