This year our Open Evening will take place on Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 5.30pm -7.30pm.

Year 6 to 7 transition

Dear families

We are delighted that you have chosen Heron Hall Academy for your secondary school and we excited for you to experience what school life is like here.

We recognise that the transition process in the final term can be a potentially anxious time for some Year 6 students and their parents. Therefore, we want to make sure that any anxiety is minimised, so your child feels eager and ready to join us in September.

Primary Schools visits in June 

During the summer term will visit all year 6 students at their primary school. These visits allow our staff to meet students in person and liaise with the relevant primary staff in order to collect information which helps us when we create our teaching and tutor groups.

Transition days at Heron Hall Academy

These will be held on 4-5 July for students.

A transition evening for parents will be held on 3 July.

SEN students

For students with statements of special educational need or Education Health and Care plans and the SENDCO will attend Year 6 statement review meetings to begin to understand the needs of these students and plan their transition.

For students with high transition needs, the SENDCO will put in place a more personalised transition programme, in conjunction with the primary school, parents/carers and the school welfare team.

See our wonderful school