This year our Open Evening will take place on Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 5.30pm -7.30pm.

Labour market information

What is Labour Market Information (LMI)?

LMI simply explains the world of work. LMI provides descriptions of different careers, their entry routes, promotional prospects, salaries paid, and the necessary skills and qualifications needed to pursue a career within that industry.

Crucially for young people, LMI also covers future demand, and identifies what types of jobs will be in demand after leaving school and what kinds of skills will be needed. 

Learning from careers and LMI 

Understanding LMI is becoming more and more important as the world changes, so that all students can be aware of where different job roles that are needed around the country and what types of jobs may need more people in the future.  Below is information on what LMI will consider. 

What do people actually do in this job or industry? 

How many people work in this job or industry? 

How much do people get paid in this job or industry? 

What qualifications do I need to do this job? 

What skills or qualities do I need to do this job? 

What are the typical working hours for this job? 

What percentage of men and women work in this job or industry? 

Where can this job or industry take me in the future? 

Where are these jobs located around the country? 

How many of these jobs will there be in the future?