Holocaust survivor tells his story to year 11 students

In honour of memorial day, our year 11 students were given the opportunity to benefit from hearing the story of Zigi Shipper, a holocaust survivor.

We were also joined by Michelle Richaman, Zigi’s daughter. She explained Zigi’s story and the impact it had on him and his whole family.

Zigi was born in Poland and at a young age was put into the Ghetto in Łódź before being transferred to Auschwitz Birkenau and then Stutthof concentration camp in Danzig.

The students had the chance to hear the horrors that Zigi witnessed and his eventual rescue at the hand of the British and his life after the war.

He answered questions about the struggles of dealing with the memories of the Holocaust and arriving in England knowing no-one in 1945. He spoke of the bond that he had formed with the other young boys who had experienced the horrors with him in the camps and the ghetto and the importance of telling his story.

Zigi’s overriding message was the importance of avoiding hate. To avoid finding differences and arguments with each other based on religion or race and to find common ground. Zigi told our year 11 students “whatever you do, do not hate!”. 

Zigi spoke of the importance of learning the messages of the holocaust and ensuring that students were educated about it. 

Thank you Zigi for sharing your story with us.