Year 10 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 28th February 2019 – 4.30pm – 7.00pm

Year 10 parents are invited to Heron Hall Academy to discuss their child’s progress on Thursday 28th February 2019.

The evening will run from 4:30pm to 7:00pm and your child will be asked to book appointments with the teachers of their GCSE classes, so that they can write this onto the appointment form attached.  The appointment will last for 5 minutes and will allow you to discuss the progress your child has made since September in their GCSE courses.  

Please make sure your child is aware of the times you are available so that they can book an appropriate appointment with their teachers.   You will also be able to see Ms. Lawson-Jack by appointment.

Students are expected to attend the appointments in their school uniform with their parents – it is important that students hear the messages from the meetings.  Please indicate on the slip contained in the letter below, whether you are able to come to the evening and return this to your child’s Form Tutor.

Read the full letter here.